Saturday, April 17, 2010

now you’re all going to be able to find your way here alone next friday, right?

Pshhhh, hell no.

Friday morning we met Fudano Sensei with our bye-cycles ( ;) ) to ride to the pre-school that we’re going to be doing service learning for.  The path to the preschool is mostly a straight line, but it’s on a slope, so getting up that hill is kind of a bitch.  There’s a really steep part, and then most of it is a gradual uphill slope.  I have faith, however, that by the end of these next two months I’ll be able to make it up there without a problem.  Here’s hoping, anyway.

The kids.  Oh my god.  OH.  MY.  GOD.

They’ve got to be the most adorable things I’ve ever seen.  We got there and the 5-6 year old classroom is right there when you walk in, and all the kids were looking out the window at us and the poor teacher was trying to get their attention… but they were seriously waaaay too adorable.  I was dying all over the place.  We got to go in and meet them, and then we went and met the 3-4 year olds and the 4-5 year olds, which are the age levels that we’ll mostly be working with, I think.  They were just so much… oh my god.  I’m dying just thinking about it.  They were so adorable, and talkative and showing us what they were doing and their books… they were so so cute.  Achan, Jaso, you totally would’ve been dying.  I was dying.  I’m so, SO excited for next Friday.  Wednesday and Friday are going to be the highlights of the week for me, I’m pretty sure.  God.  I can’t wait to go back and see them.

So after we got back from the preschool I figured out how to use the phone card I bought and called my mom, and she had FOUND my bank information.  Yay!!  Then I called Achan but got her voicemail, so I left a message.  Then I called my daddy but got his voicemail, so I left a message.  Then I called Kai but got his voicemail, so I hung up.

Jeez people.  Answer me when I call you.  I call from so far away too…

Anyway, we went down the bank and opened Japanese bank accounts.  Still kind of confused about how that’s going to work, exactly… I guess because some people brought all their money in cash… But either way, whatevs.  So after that we came back to our building and I was on my computer and I saw my daddy posted a status, so I ran downstairs to call him and I got to talk to him <3 <3  I miss my daddy so so much.  But I’m glad I got to talk to him.  I’ll probably make another round of calls sometime this coming week.  I called Kai and got to talk to him too.  I think I’ll try to call Achan again tonight… maybe around 8 Hawaii Time.  I wish I knew when she was working, because that would make it easier.  Oh well.  But I know she’s dealing with a lot of family stuff, ne?  Love you Achan, and I wish I could be physically there for you.  But I am right here if you need me <3

So after 8 we had some visitors.  Apparently this guy wanted to come up and talk to us, but he was too intimidated to approach our whole group.  So he waited until someone wandered off by themselves, and that someone happened to be JohnSan.  His name is Yusuke, and after he showed up we all decided to go to dinner.  I was kind of in a bad mood and really didn’t want to be by myself because I was feeling lonely from missing people at home, so I told Ele to get ready because we were going out.  Then Yusuke went to go get his friend Shingo to come with us.  10 of us went in all and we ended up at this really cheap Italian restaurant.  Food is amazingly affordable here.  I kind of love it.  And the portions are absolutely to my liking.  I can usually finish food in Japan. At home, the servings are too big for me xD

After dinner Yusuke had to leave, because he had to catch the train home.  He lives like, an hour away by train.  I’m always so impressed with how far these people are traveling to come hang out with us.  Makes me feel special J  We also talked about how people keep staring at us, but I kind of like the celebrity status.  God I sound so big-headed xD

Ele and I went back to the dorm after dinner and made riceballs and watched Hana Yori Dango ^.^  I love that she asks to watch it.  We only have two episodes left in season 1.  Yay!  And we got to sleep in this morning because we had absolutely NO obligations today!!  Nothing to do, nowhere to be expected… I absolutely love it ^.^  I think some of us are planning to go exploring on the Notti bus today.  That bus is 100 yen and goes in a circle, so it’s pretty good for explorations.  Plus, the routes are color coded.  SO helpful.  Aida came to wake us up this morning, and me, Ele, Sher, Tyler, and JohnSan had breakfast in her room.  That was really really nice.  It felt family-ish, which is something I miss.  Aida cooked, and we had fried rice, French toast, and parfaits.  Afterwards, we all helped clean up and do dishes and everything.  It was really nice J  I was going to do laundry today, but there are rumors that the electricity went off in the laundry room (???) so that might have to wait until tomorrow.

I think that’s it.  I miss home.

Jaa <3

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